National Parent's Day (join us on Friday, the 20th)

It's been a National Holiday since 1994 on the Fourth Sunday of July.  We can expect News Media to be looking for a few stories -- let's give the some good ones!  If your group is planning something, please let us know and we'll share it before the weekend.     What we have planned:

Come to Syracuse, the Hanley Federal Building, this Friday at around 1 PM.
Senators Schumer & Gillibrand -
“Senators Help Us!   We ♥ R Kids”

We'd like to get at least a dozen parents, family, & friends committed to be there.  This will allow us to send a News Release on Wednesday and try to get local media there on Friday.  You have several choices on how to participate (yes, you can do them all!):
  • Be a spectator.
  • Visit the local offices of US Senators Schumer and Gillibrand.  Leave a personal letter letting them know you care about Family Rights.
  • Walk quietly carrying a picture of your/other kids unjustly separated.
  • Bring some Kid's Chalk and add to the messages already on the pavement from July 6th and 13th.
PLEASE let us know by Wednesday if you're coming.   Want a preview of what goes on.  What to say if a reporter talks to you:
TWITTER @FamilyRIght Shut Down

We were shutdown on Twitter!

Twitter account @FamilyRights was suspended ! @FamilyRights tweeted encouragement for family law reform and recently has been tweeting to elected officials about how many are showing so much concern for keeping non-citizen children and parents together but these same politicians have done nothing to keep children and parents together by supporting family law reform.

Well it seems like those tweets upset the powers that be and they got Twitter to silence @FamilyRights ! Not only are they preventing new posts, but have hidden previous posts!

Twitter have refused to disclose why they have suspended the account even after multiple requests over 2 weeks and only reply

" We typically suspend accounts for violations of the Twitter Rules ( or Terms of Service ( Additionally, repeat violations may result in permanent account suspension.
Twitter Support"

Please help. Tweet @Twitter asking them to end the politically motivated silencing of @FamilyRights and reactivate the account!

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